Tag Archives: Bullying


A History of Violence (2005), Viggo Mortensen
A History of Violence (2005), Viggo Mortensen

A small town that suddenly finds itself sprinkled with a few non-local visitors usually means trouble. And trouble is exactly what they bring, especially for Tom Stall; a well-regarded local coffee shop owner with a wife and two children.

Directed by David Cronenberg, and starring Viggo Mortensen, Maria Bello and Ed Harris, A History of Violence left me with much to love and very little if anything to be desired.

For those of you who are familiar with Cronenberg’s trademark visceral style, this engaging drama/crime/thriller definitely has scenes and moments that will remind you of exactly who the director is.

A well-written story that’s brilliantly delivered is the reason A History Of Violence is one of my favourite films of all time. What’s brought to mind each time I’m reminded of it, besides the fact that it entertained me like crazy is the incredibly satisfying scene of the bullied fighting back.

Watch it for the many things this wonderful film gets so very right.

Happy Film Loving,