Tag Archives: Richard Cabral

BREAKING IN (2018): The Thing I Liked…

Breaking In (2018), Gabrielle Union
Breaking In (2018), Gabrielle Union

Breaking In, a movie about a determined mother working hard to outsmart four criminals during a home invasion is one I tuned in to to be entertained/thrilled. And entertained I was, to a degree. I like the film’s star Gabriele Union so I enjoyed watching her act but overall, Breaking In is definitely not the best of its genre.

Director James McTeigue’s film is missing ‘the memorable’ element and the line ‘You picked the wrong house’ absolutely doesn’t count. Even though the film did enough to keep me watching till the end, there are really no scenes so thrilling that they stick out.

Aside from the satisfaction from seeing the bad guys lose because who doesn’t want that? My favourite thing about Breaking In is that it cements my decision to avoid ever living in a house far bigger than I could ever need. Compared to Halle Berry’s Kidnap (2017), I’d say Breaking In is better, mostly because the lead actor’s acting and dialogue is more convincing.

Watch it if you like Union or any of the other cast enough. Or perhaps you just want to see how the story plays out.

Happy Film loving