Tag Archives: Creed

CREED II – Trailer 2 Starring Michael B. Jordan, Sylvester Stallone, Tessa Thompson, Florian Munteanu…

Creed 2 (2018), Michael B. Jordan
Creed 2 (2018), Michael B. Jordan

Trailer 2 for Creed II is officially great. I’m loving the intensity and purpose behind Adonis Creed’s eyes.

Directed by Steven Caple Jr; Michael B. Jordan, Sylvester Stallone, Tessa Thompson, and Florian Munteanu are among the stars.

Here’s the thing; I wasn’t going to get drawn into watching another boxing movie because, you know, they’re all pretty much the same. The other thing is I’d just watched a different boxing movie trailer which, I have to admit didn’t look especially great. That unfortunate experience rightly brought me straight here.

Having thoroughly enjoyed this new Creed 2 trailer, It’s official, I’m in for the story, the intensity and maybe one or two other things.

Creed II Release Dates: November 21st, 2018 (US); November 30th, 2018 (UK)…

Read my spoiler-free movie review of Creed II (2018).

Happy Film Loving


CREED (2015): For The Story & Performances By Michael B. Jordan & Sylvester Stallone

Creed (2015) Sylvester Stallone, Michael B. Jordan
Creed (2015) Sylvester Stallone, Michael B. Jordan

Directed by Ryan Coogler and starring Michael B. Jordan, Sylvester Stallone and Tessa Thompson, Creed is more than I expected. Having never seen any of the previous Rocky movies, I was imagining plenty of fighting footage for at least one-third of the time. Luckily, as a love/non-fighter, I’m glad to say that this isn’t at all the case.

What I like most about Creed is the way it seems to focus on the stories of the main characters and their relationships with each other, more so than on actual boxing. Nevertheless, Creed is still very much a boxing movie and fans of the sport, especially fans of the Rocky movies will have a good time.

I tuned in because I liked the trailer. Also, I’m just someone who never seems to tire of well-told stories about pivotal life decisions. Especially when the stories are about people choosing to do what is in their hearts, over what is expected/comfortable. Creed, which is written and directed by Ryan Coogler is a movie that captures a compelling example of what that journey can be like.

Watch it for the relatable themes of human experience, the choreography of the main fight sequence, plus, the rather well-paced editing and camera work.

Happy Film Loving 🙂


CREED (2015): New Trailer For Michael B. Jordan & Sylvester Stallone’s Rocky Spin-Off…

Creed (2015), Sylvester Stallone, Michael B. Jordan
Creed (2015), Sylvester Stallone, Michael B. Jordan

I’m guessing that Rocky (1976) fans will be very excited right about now. The trailer for Creed (2015), the seventh Rocky film and spin-off from the Rocky film series just arrived and ‘promising’ is the word.

Starring Sylvester Stallone as former World Heavyweight Champion Rocky Balboa, Creed sees Balboa serve as trainer and mentor to young boxer Adonis Creed, played by rising star, Michael B. Jordan.

Fans of the Rocky films will know that Adonis Creed is the son of the late Apollo Creed, a friend to Balboa, as well as a former rival – all of which makes for an interesting dynamic between the two main characters.

I’m going to confess right now to the fact that I’ve never seen any of the Rocky movies. Yes, shock horror! However, I am contemplating finally changing that fact, and just in time to watch this new release, plus also possibly to keep FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) at bay.

Read my spoiler-free movie review of Creed (2015).

Happy Film Loving