Tag Archives: Dan Sterling

THE INTERVIEW (2014): When It’s Meant To Be…

The Interview (2014), Seth Rogen, James Franco
The Interview (2014), Seth Rogen, James Franco

Despite the hackers, I’ve watched Seth Rogen and James Franco’s The Interview and had a great time. I particularly loved the scenes with Kim Jong-un (Randall Park) and his Korean accent.

The Interview (2014), Randall Park,
The Interview (2014), Randall Park,

Fans of the lead Actor’s (Rogen and Franco’s) long standing movie bromance are bound to be very happy indeed. Especially if they accept that Franco’s character is really supposed to be that dim. Otherwise, like myself at first, Franco’s Dave Skylark may seem a tad over the top.

Rogen, Franco, Park, Diana Bang and Lizzy Caplan all play their parts beautifully – along with some welcome surprise appearances from Franco and Rogen’s famous friends.

The Interview (2014), Seth Rogen, James Franco, Diana Bang
The Interview (2014), Seth Rogen, James Franco, Diana Bang

Having already paid the film my full attention and had fun, in true movie fan style, The Interview will now be one of those movies I have playing in the  background (Instead of music), so I can pause whatever I’m doing, in order to re-watch my favourite scenes.

Happy The Interview 🙂


THE INTERVIEW (2014): The Rogen Franco Bromance Continues

The Interview (2014) Seth Rogen, James Franco
The Interview (2014) Seth Rogen, James Franco

Seth Rogen and James Franco are two filmmakers I really appreciate.

The Interview (2014) is their latest work – and the trailer…?

May their partnership thrive always.

Happy The Interview 🙂