Tag Archives: Day Dreaming

THE SECRET LIFE OF WALTER MITTY (2013): Inspiration For Living

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013), Ben Stiller
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013), Ben Stiller

Walter Mitty is a man who has numerous vivid daydreams about everything he wishes he could be at a given moment but never is.

Directed by funny man, Ben Stiller, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty takes you along on a journey that leads to a point where Walter, as the movie poster suggests, stops dreaming and starts living.

This is definitely an entertaining watch and becomes most interesting and fun from the moment Walter meets the bearded and intoxicated giant (one of my favourite characters). It makes sense that the film becomes especially engaging at this point because it’s soon after Walter decides to be adventurous, brave, and start living.

For those who realise/feel like they haven’t done much that’s considered noteworthy and want to change that, Stiller’s movie is great inspiration for formulating a plan and taking action

One of my own dreams was to go to New York. I’d been forever curious for many years. So, finally making that particular wish come true was truly super.

Watch The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and be inspired as you laugh and watch this fun adventure/drama with a handful of fun characters.

Happy Film Loving,