Tag Archives: Dougray Scott

TAKEN 3 (2014): Why It’s Worth Watching…

Taken 3 (2014), Liam Neeson
Taken 3 (2014), Liam Neeson

If you must watch only one Taken movie, please watch the original (Taken 2008) because it’s the very best.

Taken 2 (2012) was OK and Taken 3 is quite the fun ride. Even though there isn’t much of a ‘taking’ so to speak, in Taken 3, the dynamic of the chase between Bryan Mills (Neeson) and the smart police officer played by Forrest Whitaker more than makes up for it.

Taken 3 (2014), Forest Whitaker
Taken 3 (2014), Forest Whitaker

There’s also a fantastic scene towards the end at Santa Monica airport involving a Porsche and a plane. The moment is so good that I’d have yelped louder had it not been for the neighbours.

Watch it because you’ve watched the original, the second and now you want to see how it all wraps up.

Happy Tak3n 🙂


TAKEN 3 (2015) Trailer: You’ll Be Pleasantly Surprised…

Taken 3 (2015), Liam Neeson
Taken 3 (2015), Liam Neeson

Taken (2008) was brilliant. Taken 2 (2012) was alright. Taken 3…?

You’ll be relieved to see that the story, by writers Luc Besson and Robert Mark Kamen looks quite different.

Can’t say that this is the final instalment, but I’m certainly glad to see the wonderfully voiced Liam Neeson playing seriously badass, ex-government operative, Bryan Mills once again. Bring on 2015!

Happy Tak3n 🙂