Tag Archives: Inspired

JULIE & JULIA (2009): In The Name Of Passion And A Love Of Food

Julie & Julia (2009), Meryl Streep
Julie & Julia (2009), Meryl Streep

When you sit down to watch Julie and Julia, I highly recommend having a few of your favourite foods with you. I say this because you will find yourself with at least one or two serious cravings.

Based on the life of American Chef, Julia Child, and Writer Julie Powell, Julie and Julia focuses on two ladies with a shared passion for food, cooking and feeding the people they love.

Besides the joy of a well-executed drama about two women who quite literally come alive whilst indulging in their favourite pastime, Julie & Julia will likely inspire you to dedicate more time to pursuing your own passions.

To look at it another way, should the task of silencing doubters be a hobby of yours, or one you wouldn’t mind taking up, then look no further to see it done with such admirable aplomb.

If you’re still unsure, I have two words. Meryl Streep.

Happy Julie & Julia 🙂