Tag Archives: Luis Prieto

KIDNAP (2017): The Thing I Liked…

Kidnap (2017), Halle Berry
Kidnap (2017), Halle Berry

My favourite thing about Kidnap, the new thriller in which Halle Berry plays a mother who stops at nothing to get back her kidnapped son is what happens between 5 and 10 minutes into the film – before the actual kidnap.

Directed by Luis Prieto, the trailer for this movie was edited well enough to have me excited. It did a good job of tapping into all the empathy I have for mothers. Particularly when their children are in real serious danger. It’s just unfortunate that some of the writing and acting had me thinking of other films where I was far more engaged and completely absorbed by the story.

During the scenes where Berry’s character is in her car, in pursuit of the kidnappers and she’s alone with nothing but her thoughts – some of which she really didn’t need to verbalise, I confess that she lost me a few times. I couldn’t help but recall Tom Hardy’s brilliant work in Locke (2013)I bought absolutely every single moment of what happened in Locke and the entire film is Hardy’s character in a car with his thoughts, emotions and telephone conversations with other characters we never get to see or meet. My point being, I wish I could say I bought all that happened in Kidnap especially during the in-car scenes.

On summary, Kidnap is by no means the worst Halle Berry movie I’ve ever seen. It’s just definitely not the best. Watch it if you’re so compelled. Otherwise stick to the trailer, probably.

Happy film Loving


KIDNAP (2016): New Trailer Starring Halle Berry, Dana Gourrier…

Kidnap (2016): Halle Berry
Kidnap (2016): Halle Berry

Read my spoiler-free movie review of Kidnap (2016)

Halle Berry’s latest movie, Kidnap is a thriller in which her character stops at nothing to recover her young son who has been kidnaped in broad daylight.

Berry’s emotional performance in this trailer is so good that I got ‘dewy-eyed’ at the sheer horror of her predicament. Especially at 00:46 seconds. I of course must give some of the credit to the trailer editor for a job well done.

I’ve wanted to see Berry in another movie I can really love ever since Monster’s Ball (2001). It would be fantastic if Kidnap could be that movie. My fingers, toes and everything are crossed.

Directed by Luis Prieto; Robert Walker Branchaud and Dana Gourrier – an actress I last saw in Tarantino’s The Hateful Eight (2015) also star.

Kidnap Release Dates:  August 4th, 2017 (US)…

Happy Film Loving 🙂