Tag Archives: Wall Street

MONEY MONSTER (2016): New Thriller Starring Julia Roberts, Jack O’Connell & George Clooney

Money Monster (2016), Julia Roberts
Money Monster (2016), Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts,  Jack O’Connell, George Clooney and Dominic West are the stars of Money Monster, a brand new thriller directed by Jodie Foster and set on Wall Street…

I’m most excited because Julia Roberts is always great, the movie looks good and one of my favourite young actors, Jack O’Connell is in it. Time to ready ourselves for the tense and emotional ride.

Money Monster Release Date(s): May 13th, 2016 (US); May 27th, 2016 (UK); March 31st, 2016 (Ger)…

Happy Film Loving 🙂


THE WOLF OF WALL STREET (2013): Who Knew Greed Could Be So Entertaining?

THE WOLF OF WALL STREET (2013), Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Hill
The Wolf Of Wall Street (2013), Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Hill

Martin Scorsese’s Wolf Of Wall Street (2013) is absolutely dripping with testosterone, not that this should be surprising.

Typical of all other popular accounts of life on Wall Street, there’s plenty, and then some – of the expected excess and debauchery.

THE WOLF OF WALL STREET (2013), Leonardo DiCaprio
The Wolf Of Wall Street (2013), Leonardo DiCaprio

Based on a true story about the rise and fall of Jordan Belfort (Dicaprio’s character), the audience, particularly the ambitious will relate to the protagonist’s determination to succeed, as well as get some insight into the many ways the American dream can go very wrong indeed.

With  plenty of well written male banter (one of my favourite things), and great performances all round, you will spend a surprising amount of time laughing. Leonardo Dicaprio and his more than qualified supporting cast absolutely deliver.

The Mark Hanna character played by Matthew McConaughey is so entertaining that you’ll find yourself wanting more.

THE WOLF OF WALL STREET (2013), Matthew McConaughey
The Wolf Of Wall Street (2013), Matthew McConaughey

Jonah Hill, an Actor better known for comedy hits including Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg’s Superbad (2007) is great as Donny Azoff. Azoff’s teeth and hair may be highly questionable, but you’ll see that Hill’s performance certainly isn’t.

Girls will definitely enjoy the film but I have a strong suspicion that boys will love it more.

Happy Wolf Of Wall Street 🙂