Tag Archives: Analeigh Tipton

ALL NIGHTER (2017): The Thing I Liked…

All Nighter (2017), J.K. Simmons, Emile Hirsch
All Nighter (2017), J.K. Simmons, Emile Hirsch

What I liked most about All Nighter is Xosha Roquemore’s version of a drunk party girl. Director Gavin Wiesen’s, story about a workaholic father (J.K. Simmons) who teams up with his daughter’s awkward ex-boyfriend (Emile Hirsch) to find her is not as fun and entertaining as the films trailer led me to believe.

One of my early thoughts as I watched was ‘This is going nowhere fast.’ A thought soon followed by, ‘All the acting isn’t bad but this film is boring’. Reason being, All Nighter just plods along in a manner that had me failing to care about the whereabouts of the missing daughter (Analeigh Tipton). What made the experience even more underwhelming overall is the easy and relatively obvious explanation for the daughter’s whereabouts.

In conclusion, if you were thinking that All Nighter might be a boys adventure with a splash of the The Hangover (2009) vibe; it’s barely that. More than anything, the film is really about a workaholic father’s friendship with his daughter’s ex-boyfriend. If there’s nothing better on and you’re in the mood for an awkward comedy with very few good laughs, then sure, watch it. Otherwise step away, friend.

Happy Film Loving


BETWEEN US (2017): The Thing I Liked…

Between Us (2017), Olivia Thirlby, Ben Feldman
Between Us (2017), Olivia Thirlby, Ben Feldman

Written and directed by Rafael Palacio Illingworth, Between Us is an engaging enough story. A story about a young couple concerned with all that they’ll leave behind after getting married. And so just like that, tempting possibilities start to present themselves.

Overall, I enjoyed the execution of Between Us as a realistic telling of a young couple’s experience of the challenges that come with societal pressures and personal expectations on relationships. The film’s stars Ben Feldman, Olivia Thirlby, Adam Goldberg and Analeigh Tipton all deliver good performances.

The things I didn’t much enjoy include, firstly, the close-ups that became uncomfortable and annoying quite quickly. Secondly, the ’husband and wife’ chant that went on far longer than it needed to. In my mind five chants would have been more than enough; even if their sole purpose was to communicate the awkward and definitely uncomfortable stage of the couple’s relationship. Last but absolutely not least, the music. It was, in the most part, very bad – in my opinion. Nevertheless, I still have no regrets about watching Between Us. Would I recommend the movie? Maybe, and most likely only to someone who wanted to know a few of the kind of things I find annoying in movies, but that’s really it.

Happy Film Loving


ALL NIGHTER (2017): New Trailer From J.K. Simmons, Emile Hirsch, Analeigh Tipton…

All Nighter (2017): Emile Hirsch, J.K. Simmons
All Nighter (2017): Emile Hirsch, J.K. Simmons

All Nighter is a new comedy starring J.K. Simmons, Emile Hirsch and Analeigh Tipton.

Directed by Gavin Wiesen, at the centre of the story is a workaholic father who teams up with his daughter’s awkward ex-boyfriend to try and find her…

Generally, I enjoy Simmons in comedy roles. Though this trailer only has me a little intrigued, My fingers are crossed in hopes that I’ll find Simmons as funny as I did in I Love You, Man (2009), if not more so, of course. 

Read my spoiler free movie review of All Nighter.

All Nighter Release Dates: March 17th, 2017 (US)…

Happy Film Loving 🙂


BETWEEN US (2016): New Trailer From Ben Feldman, Olivia Thirlby, Analeigh Tipton…

Between Us (2016), Analeigh Tipton, Ben Feldman
Between Us (2016), Analeigh Tipton, Ben Feldman

Between Us which stars Analeigh Tipton, Olivia Thirlby and Ben Feldman is all about a young city-dwelling couple who are afraid  of everything they think they’ll lose by getting married. And so appears the temptations of an alternative life…

This I have to see because romantic relationships are difficult and therefore infinitely interesting. I hope that whatever the characters decide to do, it’ll be for reasons that won’t be exactly what I imagine. I love a surprise in contexts like these..

Between Us Release Dates: January 6th, 2017 (US)…

Happy Film loving


CRAZY STUPID LOVE (2011): Steve Carell & Ryan Gosling comedy

Crazy Stupid Love (2011), Steve Carell, Julianne Moore
Crazy Stupid Love (2011), Steve Carell, Julianne Moore

Steve Carrel, Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone and Julianne Moore are the stars of this drama/ romance / comedy. A story about a man whose world is altered after what should have been a romantic dinner date with his wife turns into something else.

Directed by Glenn Ficarra and John Requa, I tuned in because of Carell and Moore’s reputations and found myself pleasantly surprised. A big highlight is the scene with the valedictorian speech. That and Gosling’s character, Jacob’s fashion sense.

Watch it for a reminder that humour is tragedy plus time. You’ll go through some emotions but you will certainly laugh as well.

Crazy Stupid Love (2011), Ryan Gosling
Crazy Stupid Love (2011), Ryan Gosling

Along with The Notebook (2004) this movie is without a doubt responsible for a good number of Ryan Gosling crushes.

Happy Crazy, Stupid, Love 🙂