Tag Archives: David Fincher

HITCHCOCK / TRUFFAUT (2015: New Trailer For Documentary About The One That Inspired Your Favourite Movie Directors

Hitchcock/Truffaut (2015),  Alfred Hitchcock
Hitchcock/Truffaut (2015), Alfred Hitchcock

Alfred Hitchcock is a name all fans of film learn about sooner or later. He is the most famous British director and has inspired many directors after him.

In this Kent Jones-directed documentary, a selection of some of the best film directors of today talk about how much Hitchcock influenced their own work. Particularly what they learned of Hitchcock’s approach to filmmaking in French director Francoise Truffaut’s 1966 publication, Cinema According to Hitchcock…

Martin Scorsese, David Fincher and Wes Anderson are three of the directors who share their experience in Hitchcock/Truffaut.

Release date(s)… 

Happy Film Loving 🙂


THE SOCIAL NETWORK (2010): The Dialogue & Jesse Eisenberg’s Performance Makes It

The Social Network (2010), Jesse Eisenberg
The Social Network (2010), Jesse Eisenberg

The actual Mark Zuckerberg, co-founder of Facebook had zero involvement in the making of The Social Network. Still, considering how well-publicised the legal drama around Facebook was at the time, one can imagine that there’s likely more truth in the movie than fabrication.

With reputable names like screenwriter Aaron Sorkin and director David Fincher attached to the project, as a fan of great writing, not seeing The Social Network would have been, to put it inoffensively, most ill-advised.

Sorkin’s dialogue is absolutely my favourite thing about this film, particularly everything that Jesse Eisenberg gets to say in his role as Zuckerberg. The words, rhythm and pace are really a thing to experience.

A reason to watch is the example of what good screenwriting can look like. Another reason is curiosity about the movie version of the Facebook story. As I watched The Social Network, I found myself thinking about how much truth there is in the idea that often, many high achievers tend not to be the most likeable people, personality-wise. Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs are two impressive people that come to mind.

The Social Network (2010), Rooney Mara
The Social Network (2010), Rooney Mara

Andrew Garfield, Max Minghella, Justin Timberlake, Armie Hammer and Rooney Mara feature as the more than competent supporting cast. Looking at the picture above, I can’t help but agree with the line in the movie that refers to the ‘niceness’ of the face of Erica Albright /Rooney Mara. It is quite a work of art, isn’t it?.

Happy Film Loving,


GONE GIRL (2014): It’s Long But Definitely Worth It

Gone Girl (2014), Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike
Gone Girl (2014), Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike

1) I’d heard a lot of good things about Gone Girl. 2) I want to keep up with this Ben Affleck renaissance that’s been plenty discussed since Argo (2012). 3) Gone Girl is based on a successful book…

All these are reasons I knew I’d watch David Fincher’s latest. Mr. Fincher himself is of course another reason.

Written by Gillian Flynn and very well acted by its stars, Rosamund Pike especially and Ben Affleck. You’ll be left impressed and probably more than a little scared if not more careful. Having seen thi srather memorable film, I count myself amongst the wowed. I don’t definitely share the same disappointment some have expressed at the ending. For me it felt just right somehow. Gone Girl  is a brilliant mystery / drama / thriller of a movie. Regardless of the inherent darkness of the story, you’ll have no regrets. Just don’t make the same mistakes as the characters. In otherwords, be sure to communicate with your partner when things are bothering you.

Happy Film Loving 🙂