Tag Archives: Infidelity

GONE GIRL (2014): It’s Long But Definitely Worth It

Gone Girl (2014), Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike
Gone Girl (2014), Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike

1) I’d heard a lot of good things about Gone Girl. 2) I want to keep up with this Ben Affleck renaissance that’s been plenty discussed since Argo (2012). 3) Gone Girl is based on a successful book…

All these are reasons I knew I’d watch David Fincher’s latest. Mr. Fincher himself is of course another reason.

Written by Gillian Flynn and very well acted by its stars, Rosamund Pike especially and Ben Affleck. You’ll be left impressed and probably more than a little scared if not more careful. Having seen thi srather memorable film, I count myself amongst the wowed. I don’t definitely share the same disappointment some have expressed at the ending. For me it felt just right somehow. Gone Girl  is a brilliant mystery / drama / thriller of a movie. Regardless of the inherent darkness of the story, you’ll have no regrets. Just don’t make the same mistakes as the characters. In otherwords, be sure to communicate with your partner when things are bothering you.

Happy Film Loving 🙂


LAST NIGHT (2010): You Can Be Happy And Still Be Tempted. True or False?

Last Night (2010), Keira Knightley, Guillaume Canet
Last Night (2010), Keira Knightley, Guillaume Canet

Last Night (2010), is a beautifully told story and well-paced drama/romance about a young, professional married couple who must confront their past and potential future, as they spend a night apart. All this, thanks to an attractive new colleague and a chance encounter with a past/first love.

Besides the hypnotic musical score and attractive young cast; featuring the wonderfully-faced Keira Knightley, Avatar’s Sam Worthington, plus Eva Mendes and Guillaume Canet; two things stood out for me in this film.

The first is a reminder to always trust your instincts. The second is the necessity to tread carefully in romantic entanglements – because, given the choice, nobody really wants to have someone from their past that they label as ‘the one that got away.’

One more thing. Did I already mention the enchanting musical score?

Happy Film Loving