Tag Archives: Sam Spruell

MORGAN (2016): New Trailer From Paul Giamatti, Kate Mara, Jennifer Jason Leigh…

Anya Taylor Joy (Morgan)
Anya Taylor Joy (Morgan)

Starring Kate Mara, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Paul Giamatti and Boyd Holbrook, Morgan is the story of an artificial being whose continued existence is to be decided by a corporate risk-management consultant…

I’m a fan of Alex Galand’s Ex Machina (2015) and as I watched the above trailer, it occurred to me that this movie may just be the closest that Ex Machina fans will ever get to a sequel. Not ideal but I’ll take it.

Morgan Release Dates: September 2nd, 2016 (US & UK); September 21st, 2016 (FR); November 24th, 2016 (GER)…

Directed by Luke Scott; Michael Yare, Anya Taylor Joy and Boyd Holbrook also star.

Happy Film Loving 🙂


THE VOICES (2014) I’m Back On The Ryan Reynolds Band Wagon

The Voices (2014): Ryan Reynolds, Sam Spruell
The Voices (2014): Ryan Reynolds, Sam Spruell

The last time I saw Ryan Reynolds in a film was The Proposal (2009). It wasn’t my favourite and kind of kept me away from future Reynolds movies. Having watched The Voices (2014), I can confirm that my attitude has changed.

The Voices is a crime/ comedy film directed by Marjane Satrapi and stars Reynolds as Jerry – a sinister / very unbalanced individual who somehow manages to remain likeable.

You’ll probably find yourself not quite rooting for him as such – on account of the murdering. However empathy will kick in since he’s definitely ‘not well’.

The Voices (2014): Jacki Weaver
The Voices (2014): Jacki Weaver

The way the Director/ Cinematographer presented the world of Jerry, how he sees things as opposed to actual reality is a particular highlight.

Watch it for a pleasantly different turn from Reynolds and good performances from Jacki Weaver,  Anna Kendrick and Gemma Aterton. I was also glad to see great character actor Sam Spruell’s name on the cast list. 

Happy The Voices 🙂


TAKEN 3 (2014): Why It’s Worth Watching…

Taken 3 (2014), Liam Neeson
Taken 3 (2014), Liam Neeson

If you must watch only one Taken movie, please watch the original (Taken 2008) because it’s the very best.

Taken 2 (2012) was OK and Taken 3 is quite the fun ride. Even though there isn’t much of a ‘taking’ so to speak, in Taken 3, the dynamic of the chase between Bryan Mills (Neeson) and the smart police officer played by Forrest Whitaker more than makes up for it.

Taken 3 (2014), Forest Whitaker
Taken 3 (2014), Forest Whitaker

There’s also a fantastic scene towards the end at Santa Monica airport involving a Porsche and a plane. The moment is so good that I’d have yelped louder had it not been for the neighbours.

Watch it because you’ve watched the original, the second and now you want to see how it all wraps up.

Happy Tak3n 🙂


TAKEN 3 (2015) Trailer: You’ll Be Pleasantly Surprised…

Taken 3 (2015), Liam Neeson
Taken 3 (2015), Liam Neeson

Taken (2008) was brilliant. Taken 2 (2012) was alright. Taken 3…?

You’ll be relieved to see that the story, by writers Luc Besson and Robert Mark Kamen looks quite different.

Can’t say that this is the final instalment, but I’m certainly glad to see the wonderfully voiced Liam Neeson playing seriously badass, ex-government operative, Bryan Mills once again. Bring on 2015!

Happy Tak3n 🙂


SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN (2012): Great Example of Trailer Perfection

Snow White And The Huntsman (2012)
Snow White And The Huntsman (2012)

From the beautifully paced editing, and perfect choice of music, to the narrative concept, dialogue and visuals/special effects; the Snow White And The Huntsman (2012) trailer provides just enough detail to make you aware that this is a wonderfully different retelling.

The decision to make Charlize Theron the key focus of the trailer is just right. This isn’t a film aimed at the traditional young Disney audience. Hence the absence of elements that quite frankly I’m glad are nowhere to be found. Musical numbers being just one of them.

This tantalisingly dark 1-minute 54-second trailer arrests the senses and refuses to let go until the very last second. What a wonderful marriage of audio-visual delight delivered to perfection.

For many, Kristen Stuart is the big draw, which is unsurprising due to the success of The Twilight Saga. For me though, without question, it’s Theron.

The tone and delivery of Theron’s performance is such a thrill to behold, that to date, I’ve watched the trailer countless times.

The Snow White & The Huntsman trailer has a place in a compilation of my favourite film trailers of 2012. It also makes it on my list of favourite Charlize Theron performances; Monster (2003) being one other.

Happy Snow White And The Huntsman 🙂