Tag Archives: Craig Robinson

TABLE 19 (2017): New Trailer Starring Anna Kendrick, Craig Robinson, Lisa Kudrow…

Table 19 (2017), Thomas Cocquerel, Anna Kendrick
Table 19 (2017), Thomas Cocquerel, Anna Kendrick

Jeffrey Blitz is the director behind the new Anna Kendrick, Stephen Merchant, Craig Robinson and Lisa Kudrow comedy/ drama, Table 19.

Table 19 is that table at a wedding for the random people that the bride and groom aren’t particularly close to anymore, but feel obligated to invite…

I already like the vibe of this trailer, thanks to the edit and music. Also, brothers Jay and Mark Duplass are the writers which  means that at the very least it’s going to be watchable.

Thomas Cocquerel, Tony Revolori, June Squib, Amanda Crew and Wyatt Russell also make an appearance.

Table 19 Release Dates: January 20th, 2017 (US & UK)…

Happy Film Loving 🙂


MORRIS FROM AMERICA (2016): New Trailer Starring Craig Robinson & Markees Christmas

Morris From America (2016), Markees Christmas
Morris From America (2016), Markees Christmas

Morris From America is a coming of age comedy/drama/romance about a 13 year old American boy and aspiring rapper living in Germany.

Written and directed by Chad Hartigan; the main characters are played by Craig Robinson and Markees Christmas…

I’m certainly a little curious about the fish out of water scenario.  May the humour and music  be as promising  as this trailer teases.

Morris From America Release Date: August 19th, 2016 (US); November 3rd, 2016 (GER)…

Happy Film Loving 🙂


SAUSAGE PARTY (2016): New Trailer From Seth Rogen, James Franco & Jonah Hill

Sausage Party (2016), Seth Rogen (Voice)
Sausage Party (2016), Seth Rogen (Voice)

Sausage Party is the brand new comedy from Jonah Hill, Seth Rogen and James Franco. It’s an animation comedy and the key characters are food…

Rogen’s previous movie, The Night Before (2015) proved to be more disappointing than anticipated. As such, my fingers are crossed with this new ‘food horror.’ The different personalities assigned to all food items is certainly an intriguing.

Directed by  Conrad Vernon and Greg Tiernan; the film stars several Rogen regulars, including Michael Cera, Danny McBride and Craig Robinson. Salma Hayek, Edward Norton and Paul Rudd also lend their voices.

Sausage Party Release Dates: August 12th, 2016 (US & UK), August 18th, 2016 (GER), September 14th (FR)…

Happy Film Loving 🙂


SETH ROGEN’S This Is The End (2013). Funny? YES!

This is The End (2013), Seth Rogen, James Franco
This is The End (2013), Seth Rogen, James Franco

I learned today that two close friends of mine do not find Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg’s This Is The End (2013) particularly funny. After getting over the initial shock and coming to terms with their revelation, I made an effort to understand by running through the possible reasonable explanations:

  1. They haven’t watched or enjoyed Pineapple Express (2008), Superbad (2007) Knocked Up (2007) or other great comedies by Rogen and Goldberg.
  2. They must not have been in the right frame of mind to properly appreciate the greatness of the movie. I mean, I do believe that you have to be ‘in the mood’ for certain kinds of films (comedy, drama, action, etc.) in order to get the best out of them.
  3. They were too tired to pay due attention.

Well, apparently none of the above explanations were correct. I was therefore left with the only possible answer. Something is very wrong with both my friends, which then means that trying to make further sense of the situation would be a royal waste of my time.

In passing the question off to you, what do you think? Did you find This Is The End funny or am I the crazy one. Caveat: I know I’m not really crazy since the film was quite the success. However, I thought it would be nice to ask, nonetheless.

Happy Film Loving