Tag Archives: Henry Cavill

ARGYLLE (2024): New Trailer Starring Sam Rockwell, Henry Cavill, Bryce Dallas Howard, John Cena, Sofia Boutella, Samuel L. Jackson, Duo Lipa…

Argylle (2024), Bryce Dallas Howard, Sam Rockwell, Universal Pictures
Argylle (2024), Bryce Dallas Howard, Sam Rockwell, Universal Pictures

Matthew Vaughn’s latest film is another fun-looking spy adventure. One that stars Sam Rockwell, Henry Cavill, Sofia Boutella, Samuel L. Jackson, Duo Lipa, Bryce Dallas Howard and many more.

I’m ready for all the fun things I’ve come to expect from a good Vaughn film (The Kingsman (2014), including inspiring fight choreography, music and fun dialogue.

Also, Jackson and Boutella together again in a Vaughn movie, plus Rockwell in a fun action film role are two things to get very excited about.

Lastly, it’s been a while since we had a cat as a key character in a movie. Perhaps this one will help save the day. I admit that for e second, I definitely thought the cat was the real agent Argylle.

Rob Delaney, Jing Lusi, Ariana DeBose, Jason Fuchs, Bobby Holland Hanton, Stanley Morgan, Fiona Marr and Mark Bernard also star.

Argylle Release Dates: February 2nd, 2024 (US & UK)…

Happy Film Loving


MAN OF STEEL (2013): The Things I Liked…

Man of Steel (2012), Henry Cavill, Warner Bros. Pictures
Man of Steel (2012), Henry Cavill, Warner Bros. Pictures

Three things I realised while watching director Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel (2013)

  1. Henry Cavill is a great Superman.
  2. Christopher Nolan, a.k.a ‘Inception (2010) and Tenet (2020) director Christopher Nolan’ wrote the script. Had I known this beforehand, I’d have watched the movie much sooner. Nolan’s involvement may also be why the musical score was so noticeably good. You know, as per most if not all Nolan films.
  3. This third point is a tad random buy here we go: To my (I want to say ‘expert’) eyes, Diane Lane and Paula Pattern (not in the movie) look as though they could be related. Do you see it?

I enjoyed most of what happens in Man of Steel, from the music, performances, very engaging story to the special effects and action. Yet I can’t deny that I did start to lose interest after the two-hour mark when there was still another twenty-three minutes remainig. 

Other things that stood out less positively include the fight sequence between Superman and General Zod (Michael Shannon) towards the end. It just wasn’t quite the exciting well-choreographed face-off I expected. Also, there’s a strange moment in the film when a military officer references Superman’s ‘hotness’/attractiveness. Instead of being funny, the dialogue felt more out of place.

I know it’s been seven years since this movie was released, which means you’ve probably seen it already, if not more than once. Nevertheless, I say Man of Steel is worth watching. Particularly because of Cavill and all the other positive points mentioned above. 

Happy Film Loving


NIGHT HUNTER (2018): New Trailer From Alexandra Daddario, Stanley Tucci, Henry Cavill, Ben Kingsly…

NOMIS (2018), Henry Cavill
NOMIS (2018), Henry Cavill

Night Hunter is the latest action / thriller, written / directed by David Raymond and starring Stanley Tucci, Henry Cavill, Alexandra Daddario and Ben Kingsley

At the centre of everything is a recently arrested troubled man who’s linked to years of female abductions and murders. Things don’t go smoothly when the police force and local vigilante begin a dangerous scheme involving involving the troubled man…

There’s definitely room in my heart for a great new thriller. I wonder if this will be the one. What I know for sure based on impressive thrillers I’ve seen in the past is that the psychopath really has to be convincing. No pressure Brendan Fletcher.

Emma Tremblay, Brendan Fletcher, Eliana Jones, Mpho Koaho, Daniela Lavender and Carlyn Burchell also star.

Night Hunter Release Dates: September 6th, 2019 (US); September 13th, 2019 (UK)…

Happy Film Loving


MISSION – IMPOSSIBLE – FALLOUT (2018): The Things I Liked…

Mission - Impossible - Fallout (2018), Rebecca Ferguson
Mission – Impossible – Fallout (2018), Rebecca Ferguson

I took a moment to remember how much fun I had watching Mission Impossible – Rogue Nation (2015), before sitting down to Tom Cruise’s latest movie, Mission Impossible – Fallout.

The action sequences in Fallout are impressive, well-choreographed physical feats. You know, because it’s a Tom Cruise movie. Yet there was one moment at the beginning in the scene with the plutonium that felt too obvious as an action movie plot device – due to the way it was executed.  It was unfortunately a moment that made me feel that little bit less enthused about the rest of the film. 

As the story progressed, I was adequately engaged but whilst also simultaneously concluding that I probably need to give this franchise a break. That way when I return in some years, it will all feel kind of fresh and new again.

Even though I definitely had more fun with Rogue Nation, Fallout is still a good movie. It’s just unfortunate that for me personally, more than any specific action sequence or scene, the most memorable thing about director Christopher McQuarrie’s film is that it helped me realise what a truly great face Rebecca Ferguson actually has. A totally random observation, I know. Yet I’m quite sure, thoroughly accurate.

Watch Mission Impossible – Fallout because it’s good. Who knows, it may even be your favourite.

Happy Film Loving 


MISSION – IMPOSSIBLE – FALLOUT (2018): New Trailer From Tom Cruise, Henry Cavill, Rebecca Ferguson, Simon Pegg…

Mission - Impossible - Fallout (2018), Tom Cruise
Mission – Impossible – Fallout (2018), Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise, Rebecca Ferguson and Simon Pegg are back for M:I 6; a.ka. Mission – Impossible – Fallout.

Directed by Christopher McQuarrie and featuring new cast member Henry Cavill, Ethan Hunt (Cruise) and his Impossible Mission Force (IMF) team are called  upon to race against time after a mission gone wrong…

This is yet another fun-filled Mission: Impossible trailer. I’m ready for all the action.

I very much enjoyed Mission: Impossible 5 – Rogue Nation and this one looks like it’s going to be, at the very least equally thrilling, fun and action filled.

Alec Baldwin,Angela Bassett, Sian Brook and Vanessa Kirby also star.

M:I 6 Mission Impossible Release Dates: July 27th, 2018 (US & UK)…

Happy Film Loving


JUSTICE LEAGUE (2017): New Official Trailer Starring Jason Momoa, Gal Gadot, Ben Affleck…

Justice League (2017), Jason Momoa
Justice League (2017), Jason Momoa

Starring Gal Gadot, Ben Affleck and Jason Momoa, the official trailer for DC Comics’s Justice League has arrived…

I’m intrigued and most curious about Aquaman and Wonder Woman.

Justice League Release Dates: November 17th, 2017 (US & UK)…

Happy Film Loving


SAND CASTLE (2017): New Trailer From Henry Cavill, Nicholas Hoult…

Sand Castle (2017), Nicholas Hoult
Sand Castle (2017), Nicholas Hoult

In Sand Castle, Henry Cavill and Nicholas Hoult are U.S. soldiers whose job it is to protect a small village during the the Iraq war…

I’m intrigued by this. My big hope for this Fernando Coimbra directed war dram is that the American accents are as convincing as the truth in the actor’s eyes and words.

Sand Castle Release Dates: April 14th, 2017 (US)…

Happy Film Loving


JUSTICE LEAGUE (2017): New Trailer Starring Gal Gadot, Ben Affleck, Jason Momoa, Ezra Miller…

Justice League (2017), Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot
Justice League (2017), Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot

There’s more evidence that the comic book film domination of Hollywood is continuing to go from strength to strength. Reason being, we have a trailer for DC Comics’ Justice League, a movie that we can all guess will have sequel upon sequel to follow should this one do well at the box office.  With Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Ben Affleck as Batman and Jason Momoa playing  Aquaman, even though I’m not the biggest fan of comic book movies by this point, I find myself a little curious…

I’m mostly interested because I want to see how Justice League will differ from Marvel Studios’ Avengers. As far as I can see, both films are about super heroes coming together to save humanity. I’d love to be pleasantly surprised by this movie’s execution.

As for my thoughts on the above teaser trailer, it didn’t have me slapping the wall with excitement and yelping with joy as I’m known to do when blessed with a thrilling tease of a trailer. Likely controversial, but I find this one just OK.

I’ll of course wait and see before daring to declare something along the lines of ‘Marvel does it better’.

Directed by Zack Snyder; Ezra Miller, Ray fisher, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Jared Leto, J.K. Simmons and Jeremy Irons also star.

Justice League Release Dates: November 17th, 2017 (US & UK)…

Happy Film loving 🙂