Tag Archives: Mark Duplass

PADDLETOWN (2019): New Trailer From Ray Romano, Mark Duplass…

Paddleton (2019), Mark Duplass, Ray Romano
Paddleton (2019), Mark Duplass, Ray Romano

Directed and co-written by Alex Lehmann, Paddletown stars Ray Romano and Mark Duplass as two misfit neighbours in an unlikely friendship.

The two men find themselves on an emotional journey after one of them is diagnosed with terminal cancer…

I’m in for the story, the bromance and to see if I can forget my knowledge and appreciation of Duplass as a comedic actor (The Mindy Project) and stop expecting him to say and do something funny every second, which is basically what I did during this trailer.

Marguerite Moreau, Christine Woods, Alexandra Billings, Kadeem Hardison, Matt Bush, Dendrie Taylor and Stephen Oyoung also star.

Paddletown Release Dates: February 22nd, 2019 (US)…

Happy Film Loving


TULLY (2018): New Trailer From Charlize Theron, Mackenzie Davis, Ron Livingston…

Tully (2018), Charlize Theron
Tully (2018), Charlize Theron

Starring Charlize Theron, Mackenzie Davis and Ron Livingston, Tully is a comedy about motherhood. One in which a mother of  three children, begrudgingly accepts her well-to-do brother’s gift of a ‘night nanny’, in the hopes that it will help destress her life. And so ensues adefinite change in the her life in the most unexpected ways.

Tully is written by Diablo Cody of Juno (2007) and Young Adult (2011), while Jason Reitman directs…

I know it’s only January but this is already one of my favourite trailers of 2018. Right after the ‘frozen pizza, awesome’ comment, I was almost certain that the next clip would show that she’d killed him. But then I realised that she of course had absolutely no energy left to spare.

Mark Duplass, Emily Haine, Marceline Hugot, Gameela Wright and Elaine Tan also star 

Tully Release Dates: April 20th, 2018 (US & UK)…

Happy Film Loving


TABLE 19 (2017): New Trailer Starring Anna Kendrick, Craig Robinson, Lisa Kudrow…

Table 19 (2017), Thomas Cocquerel, Anna Kendrick
Table 19 (2017), Thomas Cocquerel, Anna Kendrick

Jeffrey Blitz is the director behind the new Anna Kendrick, Stephen Merchant, Craig Robinson and Lisa Kudrow comedy/ drama, Table 19.

Table 19 is that table at a wedding for the random people that the bride and groom aren’t particularly close to anymore, but feel obligated to invite…

I already like the vibe of this trailer, thanks to the edit and music. Also, brothers Jay and Mark Duplass are the writers which  means that at the very least it’s going to be watchable.

Thomas Cocquerel, Tony Revolori, June Squib, Amanda Crew and Wyatt Russell also make an appearance.

Table 19 Release Dates: January 20th, 2017 (US & UK)…

Happy Film Loving 🙂


THE ONE I LOVE (2014): So, Here’s Something Different…

The One I Love (2014), Mark Duplass, Elizabeth Moss
The One I Love (2014), Mark Duplass, Elisabeth Moss

It is well documented that repetition inevitably gets dull and people end up switching off. This is the case with many romantic comedies and generally any genre that repeats the same themes and plot lines continuously and with minimal difference.

The One I Love (2014) can be accused of no such thing. Yes, the narrative contains a classic stage in the long term relationship lifecycle. But the execution is a very refreshing and unexpected difference in a story about a married couple. A pair trying to find their way back to that great past period in their relationship; a place  where happiness was the default setting. And as they begin their journey, rather peculiar things start happening.

I find The One I Love to be more of a drama than a romantic comedy, but it has been labeled as all three (comedy, romance and drama) simultaneously.

Watch it because of the two impressive lead actors. Watch it for the different kind of execution and  because you’re somewhat bored of the formulaic nature of romantic comedies and need something else. And  lastly, watch because you want to be pleasantly surprised.

Here’s the trailer.

Happy Film Loving