Tag Archives: Movie Blog

CINDERELLA (2015): Cate Blanchett Is Who…? Watch It And Delight!

Cinderella (2015), Cate Blanchett
Cinderella (2015), Cate Blanchett

The following aren’t words that would ordinarily come out of my mouth, but lately, ‘I’ve been hankering  for a Cinderella movie remake‘.

And now, with Cate Blanchett as the evil stepmother, is there really a better way to do it? No need to answer. I can already hear everyone’s resounding ‘NO, of course not!‘ and I love it.

Cinderella is simply one of the best fairytales out there, if not the best. Not because of the famous romance, mind you. But rather thanks to the story of triumph over the unkind and cruel. Particularly when one triumphs without sacrificing one’s character and principles.

I’ve watched the below trailer a very high number of times and the great music is certainly a huge part of the reason why.

Bring on March 2015!

Happy Film Loving,


DANNY COLLINS (2015): Trailer of The Week

Danny Collins (2014), Al Pacino
Danny Collins (2014), Al Pacino

Annette Bening, Al Pacino, Christopher Plummer, Bobby Cannavale… It’s hard not to adore all of them – and unsurprisingly, they star in some of the best films ever made.

Today however, it’s all about Danny Collins (2015). As per the following trailer, the signs are really good.

Happy Danny Collins 🙂


PREDESTINATION (2014): The Next Ethan Hawke 2014 Hit?

Predestination (2014) Ethan Hawke
Predestination (2014) Ethan Hawke

Read my spoiler-free movie review of Predestination (2014).

Ethan Hawke has been very busy. A fact that makes me, an eternal fan of great acting talent, a very happy so and so. With  more than 5 releases out this year, including the already very well received Boyhood, who can blame me?

A sci-fi thriller from sibling Directors, Michael and Peter Spierig; the premise of Predestination involves time travel for the purpose of preventing crimes from taking place.

Quite the promising trailer we have here. And, perhaps unsurprisingly, Tom Cruise’s rather good film Minority Report (2002) come to mind as this preview played.

Happy Predestination 🙂


THAT AWKWARD MOMENT (2014): The Good Things

That Awkward Moment (2014), Zac efron, Michael B. Jordan, Miles Teller
That Awkward Moment (2014), Zac Efron, Michael B. Jordan, Miles Teller

The following are three of the best things about Zac Efron’s That Awkward Moment (2014). A story about twenty-something friends living and dating in New York. It’s definitely not a perfect movie – for reasons including, ironically, awkwardness. But these snippets of dialogue are indeed memorable. I’ve even found myself quoting one or two of the snippets to friends.

1) ‘New York’s charm is that you’re surrounded by things you can’t have’. ‘New York’s charm is it makes you think you can have them’. 

Having been there myself and experienced the energy, I can confirm that both statements are true.

2) ‘Jason. You weren’t there for me. On a day when I really, really needed you. And being there for someone when they need you, that’s all relationships are, Jason. That’s all they are.’

Delivered whilst perfectly composed and with all pauses mid-sentence only working to make the statement more impactful in the moment – regardless of how simple the idea and words may be.

3) ‘Guys, in High School I was voted as most likely to have the best eyes’ 

My favourite! This one line makes me giggle every single time and I’m sure it will forever.

Watch That Awkward Moment if you’re curious. I mean, how could one not be after the above snippets?

Happy Film Loving,


SIX DANCE LESSONS IN SIX WEEKS (2014): Guaranteed Fun. I Can Tell

Six Dance lessons In Six Weeks (2014), Gena Rowlands, Cheyenne Jackson
Six Dance lessons In Six Weeks (2014), Gena Rowlands, Cheyenne Jackson

Six Dance lessons In Six Weeks (2014) looks like the kind of light and fun Sunday film experience I’ll be wanting any day now.

A trailer filled with comedy, music, dancing, Cheyenne Jackson and the likeable Gena Rowlands, a.k.a. the older version of Allie from The Notebook (2004), I know I’ll be watching with high hopes.

It helps that the film is based on a successful play.

Happy Six Dance Lessons In Six Weeks Trailer 🙂


THE GAMBLER (2015): Trailer Of The Week

The Gambler (2015), Mark Wahlberg, John Goodman
The Gambler (2015), Mark Wahlberg, John Goodman

I really do enjoy the art of a great trailer. Sometimes even more so than the films they’re for. I haven’t seen many good ones in the last few months. Here’s one I love.

Such super editing must always be highlighted.

Happy The Gambler trailer:-)