Tag Archives: WandaVision

WANDAVISION (2021): Episodes 3 & 4 – The Things I Liked…

WandaVision (2020), Paul Bettany, Marvel Studios
WandaVision (2020), Paul Bettany, Marvel Studios

Following my disappointment with episodes one and two of Marvel’s WandaVision, I decided to wait for the release of episode four before diving back in to see how much more engaging it gets.

Even though episode three was not great, for me, until the last few minutes, I’m glad to report that the fourth episode is much better and more reflective of what I’d hoped for with one and two.

The cast is fantastic; from Teyonah Parris, to Paul Bettany, Katheryn Hahn, Kat Dennings and of course, Elizabeth Olsen; who emits pain through her eyes so very well.

Am I still mad that the first two episodes and most of the third felt like a waste of my time? Only a little; especially since, unlike myself, many readers of the comic books like them.

My hope now is that with the episodes yet to come, things can only get better.

Happy Film Loving


WANDAVISION (2021): EPISODES 1 AND 2 – The Thing I Liked…

WandaVision (2021), Paul Bettany, Marvel Studios
WandaVision (2021), Paul Bettany, Marvel Studios

I can’t say that I’ve enjoyed the first two episodes of WandaVision; the new TV series spinoff focused on the Avengers movie characters, Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff and The Vision

Starring Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany; WandaVision got on my wrong side very soon after it began. And part of the reason is the application of a generally overused comedy bit. The one where two people think they’re talking about the same topic when they’re speaking of two completely different things. This particular comedy writing trope has failed to be funny, for me, ever since I binge-watched Arrested Developed (2003-2019) and realised how heavily the writers relied on it.

As annoying as I quickly found WandaVision to be, I was determined to get over it, as long as what was happening soon proved interesting enough to hold my full attention. Sadly, I hoped in vain because both episodes one and two, which are 99.9% in black and white, hinted at potentially sinister and entertaining things to come. But no matter how much I wanted the show to get to the point faster, it didn’t.

Matters were made worse by the completely unfunny sitcom scenario, in which Wanda and Vision appear to be trapped. Even if this predicament is the perfect set up for everything else fun that will follow, sitting through comedy I consider terrible isn’t how I generally like to spend my time.

Having never read the comic books that inspired these stories is something that has probably contributed, in part, to my level of dissatisfaction. Either way, what I know for sure is this, I’m going to be beyond disappointed if the following episodes of this, so far, hardly engaging Marvel Studios production continues the same way. Just get to the fun parts already! The parts when both Wanda and Vision get to use their powers, frequently and in ways that matter.

I need to know what’s going on with them and soon because this colourless town with the random, mysterious event and even stranger neighbours is causing me to reach for my phone out of boredom. And far more frequently than I want to.

Happy Film Loving


WANDAVISION (2020): New Trailer Starring Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Bettany, Kat Dennings, Kathryn Hahn…

WandaVision (2020), Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Bettany, Marvel Entertainment
WandaVision (2020), Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Bettany, Marvel Entertainment

Read my spoiler-free movie review of  WandaVision (2020).

WandaVision is a new TV-Series spinoff from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Starring Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Bettany, Kat Dennings and Kathryn Hahn, the story focuses on the characters Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff and The Vision.

Additional key cast includes Teyonah Parris, Randall Park and Shane Berengue.

I’m not entirely sure what’s going on in this trailer, but I definitely want to find out. Particularly since Scarlet Witch and The Vision are two Marvel characters I know very little about.

Now I’m wondering just how much of the series will be in black and white.

WandaVision Release Dates: January 15th, 2021 (US)…

Happy Film Loving