Tag Archives: Amber Heard

AQUAMAN (2018): The Things I Liked…

Aquaman (2018), Jason Momoa, Warner Bros. Pictures
Aquaman (2018), Jason Momoa, Warner Bros. Pictures

In director James Wan’s latest, Jason Momoa is Aurthur, a.k.a Aquaman, a man who reluctantly begins a journey to take his rightful place as heir to the underwater kingdom of Atlantis and become a hero to the world.

Considering how DC Comics’ recent films have turned out, Wonder Woman (2017) being an exception; as much as I enjoyed the Aquaman trailer, I made sure to not get too excited.

Having now seen it, even though Aquaman is not my favourite super hero movie, there is definitely some fun to be had by watching. For example, I found Momoa quite delightful, thanks to his aesthetic, physicality and charisma. If I had to choose though, it’s definitely the underwater special effects in Aquaman that I loved most. From the toothy flesh eating creatures to the beautifully lit colours of the deep, I couldn’t help but be reminded to look forward to the upcoming C.G.I-rich Avatar movies… whenever director James Cameron is ready.

Other key highlights in Aquaman include the action sequences in Sicily, Willem Dafoe’s performance and Nicole Kidman’s rather convincing fight sequences. Maybe I’m really into seeing Kidman fight because I don’t remember having seen her fight like that in a movie before. Either way, I remain impressed. 

In terms of the elements I wish weren’t quite so about Wan’s movie, that would be the romance between Aurthur and Mera. ‘Forced’ is the word because I simply didn’t buy it. I also noticed a few awkward instances regarding the placement of music as well as some less than inspiring dialogue. Lastly, we have Manta; he’s simply not the best superhero villain I’ve ever been exposed to.

By the end of Aquaman, I was just glad that I found more things to enjoy than not. Plus, I’m happy for DC Comics because things seem to be turning around.

Watch it if you’re not too Team Marvel.

Happy Film Loving 


AQUAMAN (2018): New Trailer From Jason Momoa, Amber Heard, Nicole Kidman, Randall Park…

Aquaman (2018), Amber Heard
Aquaman (2018), Amber Heard

In Aquaman, Jason Momoa is Arthur; a man who learns of his position as heir to the underwater kingdom of Atlantis. Arthur must step forward to lead his people and become a hero to the world.

Directed by James Wan; key cast includes Momoa, Amber Heard, Nicole Kidman, Randall Park…

I’m in for the visual spectacle and to see Momoa do a good job.

The cast also includes Patrick Wilson, and Willem Dafoe.

Aquaman Release Dates: December 14th, 2018 (UK); December 21st, 2018 (US)…

Read my spoiler-free movie review of Aquaman (2018).

Happy Film Loving


THE DANISH GIRL (2015): For The Story Of Courage…

The Danish Girl (2015), Eddie Redmayne
The Danish Girl (2015), Eddie Redmayne

Directed by Tom Hooper, The Danish Girl is a love story based on a book of the same name by  David Ebershoff. The lives of real people / artists in the 1930s, Lili Elbe and Gerda Wegener is at the centre of Hooper’s film. We meet the pair in the lead up to the point that Lili’s journey into becoming a transgender pioneer begins.

Considering the movie’s subject matter and the period in which The Danish Girl is set, you’d be right to assume that life was not easy for Lili long before and especially the moment she decided to be her true self. I find myself very glad to have been exposed to Lili and Gerda’s story at a time when, though very slowly indeed, humanity would appear to be moving in the right direction –  at least as far as the LGBTQ cause is concerned. Everything feels more hopeful as a result.

Performance-wise, though Eddie Redmayne disappointed me with what I’ve come to describe as the career blip of a movie that was Jupiter Ascending (2014). He’s of course still great thanks to The Theory Of Everything (2014) and now, The Danish Girl.

The Danish Girl (2015), Alicia Vikander
The Danish Girl (2015), Alicia Vikander

In her role as Gerder Wegener, I was impressed by Alicia Vikander’s performance. I only wish that I could say that I feel the same about her character’s wigs. Last but absolutely not least, Matthias Schoenearts. It’s simple really; I knew this after watching The Drop  (2014) but I absolutely must watch more of his movies. His work in he Danish Girl is perfectly measured. May we all be blessed with a friend as wise and thoughtful as his character, Hans.

My favourite part of the film overall is the ending. To say more would be to spoil, so if you haven’t already, watch it because it’s worthy.

Happy Film Loving 🙂


THE DANISH GIRL (2015): New Trailer Shows Eddie Redmayne Become Transgender Artist, Lili Elbe

The Danish Girl (2015), Eddie Redmayne
The Danish Girl (2015), Eddie Redmayne

If watching The Theory Of Everything (2014) wasn’t enough to awaken you to the considerable acting talents of Eddie Redmayne, the new trailer for his latest Tom Hooper directed movie, The Danish Girl should be enough to inform you of what’s what…

Alicia Vikander, Ben Whishaw, Matthias Schoenaerts and Amber Heard also star.

Release Dates: November 27th 2015 (U.S.), January 1st 2016 ((U.K.)

Happy The Danish Girl 🙂


PINEAPPLE EXPRESS (2008): A Definite Seth Rogen Win

This is absolutely not a horror film, but who knew that Seth Rogen playing scared out of his mind could be so entertaining?

Coming from the same team that delivered comedy hits Superbad (2007), Knocked Up (2007) and most recently, This Is The End (2013); Pineapple Express is an action packed comedy bromance between two mid twenties, weed smoking males who are played rather well indeed by Seth Rogen and James Franco.

Pineapple express (2008), Seth Rogen, James Franco
Pineapple express (2008), Seth Rogen, James Franco

There’s plenty to enjoy in this movie, including the dialogue, well choreographed action sequences, a series of oddball characters; not to forget the undeniable beauty of James Franco’s Smile… 🙂 …something I hadn’t been aware of until this movie. Oh yes.

Last but absolutely not least, should you find yourself to be a fan of writer/ director, Judd Apatow before watching this movie, then you know you’re in good hands.

Happy Film Loving 🙂