Tag Archives: Tom Hardy

CHILD 44 (2015): New Trailer, Tom Hardy Is All The Reason You Need

Child 44 (2015), Tom Hardy
Child 44 (2015), Tom Hardy

Read my spoiler-free movie review of Child 44 (2015).

The trailer for Child 44 is the reason I was yelping with uncontrollable joy today.

Deservedly, there’s been some talk about the authenticity of the Russian accents.I’m just happy to watch the very talented cast including Tom Hardy, Gary Oldman, Vincent Cassel and Noomi Rapace do their thing.

Such an interesting story. I can’t wait to see it unfold.

Happy Child 44 🙂


MAD MAX – FURY ROAD (2015): For The Portrayals Of Madness

Mad Max - Fury Road (2015), Charlize Theron
Mad Max – Fury Road (2015), Charlize Theron

I remember absolutely nothing about the original Mad Max films. I’m not even sure that I’ve ever properly watched one. However, after seeing the teaser trailer for the 2015 version (Mad Max, Fury Road), it looks to be a fantastic spectacle.

Teaser Trailer >

All that’s left for me to do is get in the mood for another apocalyptic tale. Somehow I think Tom Hardy, Charlize Theron and Nicholas Hoult will manage to convince me. After all, what’s more intriguing than portrayals of ‘mad’ by talented Actors? Yes, that’s right. Nothing.

After the tease… The Official Main Trailer >

How amazing was that? Talk About Relentless!

The Final Trailer >

And so the final stretch of the wait begins.

Happy Mad Max – Fury Road 🙂


INCEPTION (2010): Only If Other Films Would Stay Away From The Music

Inception (2010), Leonardo DiCaprio
Inception (2010), Leonardo DiCaprio

Part of what makes Christopher Nolan’s Inception (2010) so very good, is Hans Zimmer’s brilliant musical score.

Unfortunately, since the the film’s release, seemingly far lesser movies keep using it. I say ‘seemingly far lesser’ because I can’t actually see myself ever watching any of the offending titles.

I admit, I’m probably too attached to the original film and music, but all the trailers I’ve seen that use the Inception score really don’t look very promising. If they did, I wouldn’t be writing this.

You only have to watch the following Airborne (2012) trailer to see and understand.

Eeewwww indeed!

To help get that gross Airborne taste out of your mouth, here are two fantastic Inception trailers.

Inception Trailer 1

Inception Trailer 2

Happy Film Loving,


LOCKE (2013): When Creative Restrictions Pay Off

Locke (2013), Tom Hardy
Locke (2013), Tom Hardy

You have to go into Locke with the mindset of someone who knows that this will be a different kind of film. The type with self-imposed parameters to explore what is creatively possible.

Ivan Locke (Tom Hardy) is a desperate man amid a balancing act between trying to sort out his personal life while also attempting to salvage the remainder of his professional integrity. The most intriguing part of it all being, all the drama takes place inside his car.

The audience gets to see Ivan causing immense distress with phone call after phone call. But what proves even more interesting are the silences and the dialogue he has with himself.

Those aware of Hardy’s well-documented acting prowess will want to watch this. As will enthusiasts of Colin Farrell’s Phone Booth (2002); another movie that kept audiences engaged, regardless of the single location setting.

Locke will likely cause you to reflect on a few things as it plays. One is the quality of the relationships you have with your colleagues, friends and acquaintances. 

Make time for Locke because it’s impressive. And Hardy’s performance is likely to turn you into a life long fan; in case you weren’t already.

Happy Film Loving