A History of Violence (2005), Viggo Mortensen
A History of Violence (2005), Viggo Mortensen

A small town that suddenly finds itself sprinkled with a few non-local visitors usually means trouble. And trouble is exactly what they bring, especially for Tom Stall; a well-regarded local coffee shop owner with a wife and two children.

Directed by David Cronenberg, and starring Viggo Mortensen, Maria Bello and Ed Harris, A History of Violence left me with much to love and very little if anything to be desired.

For those of you who are familiar with Cronenberg’s trademark visceral style, this engaging drama/crime/thriller definitely has scenes and moments that will remind you of exactly who the director is.

A well-written story that’s brilliantly delivered is the reason A History Of Violence is one of my favourite films of all time. What’s brought to mind each time I’m reminded of it, besides the fact that it entertained me like crazy is the incredibly satisfying scene of the bullied fighting back.

Watch it for the many things this wonderful film gets so very right.

Happy Film Loving,


LAST NIGHT (2010): You Can Be Happy And Still Be Tempted. True or False?

Last Night (2010), Keira Knightley, Guillaume Canet
Last Night (2010), Keira Knightley, Guillaume Canet

Last Night (2010), is a beautifully told story and well-paced drama/romance about a young, professional married couple who must confront their past and potential future, as they spend a night apart. All this, thanks to an attractive new colleague and a chance encounter with a past/first love.

Besides the hypnotic musical score and attractive young cast; featuring the wonderfully-faced Keira Knightley, Avatar’s Sam Worthington, plus Eva Mendes and Guillaume Canet; two things stood out for me in this film.

The first is a reminder to always trust your instincts. The second is the necessity to tread carefully in romantic entanglements – because, given the choice, nobody really wants to have someone from their past that they label as ‘the one that got away.’

One more thing. Did I already mention the enchanting musical score?

Happy Film Loving


LOCKE (2013): When Creative Restrictions Pay Off

Locke (2013), Tom Hardy
Locke (2013), Tom Hardy

You have to go into Locke with the mindset of someone who knows that this will be a different kind of film. The type with self-imposed parameters to explore what is creatively possible.

Ivan Locke (Tom Hardy) is a desperate man amid a balancing act between trying to sort out his personal life while also attempting to salvage the remainder of his professional integrity. The most intriguing part of it all being, all the drama takes place inside his car.

The audience gets to see Ivan causing immense distress with phone call after phone call. But what proves even more interesting are the silences and the dialogue he has with himself.

Those aware of Hardy’s well-documented acting prowess will want to watch this. As will enthusiasts of Colin Farrell’s Phone Booth (2002); another movie that kept audiences engaged, regardless of the single location setting.

Locke will likely cause you to reflect on a few things as it plays. One is the quality of the relationships you have with your colleagues, friends and acquaintances. 

Make time for Locke because it’s impressive. And Hardy’s performance is likely to turn you into a life long fan; in case you weren’t already.

Happy Film Loving


APOCALYPTO (2006): Epic In A Number Of Ways, Especially That Chase Sequence

Apocalypto (2007), Rudy Youngblood
Apocalypto (2007), Rudy Youngblood

Mel Gibson’s Mayan Epic Apocalypto (2006) is tense, gruesome, emotional, and violent, plus, contains a big, black, beastly creature I adore. Best of all though, Apocalypto features a wonderfully thrilling hour-long chase sequence that I won’t soon forget.

I love well-crafted dialogue but few things in film are more engaging than a beautifully choreographed chase sequence. The one in this movie is easily one of the very best.

Apocalypto definitely isn’t always the easiest to watch, thanks to some challenging scenes. But it is a very entertaining, drama, action and thriller hybrid. At no point did I deliberately avert my eyes from the screen whenever a tough scene was happening. However, my hands did fly up to my mouth and face a few times and without warning.

Some people’s dormant misanthropic tendencies may be tested by this great story. But by the end, you’ll likely want to appreciate the smart, quick thinking and undoubtedly strong people in your life. That’s certainly where my mind was as this memorable story concluded.

Apocalypto is for fans of great storytelling, big cats (a puma in this instance – the aforementioned big, black, beastly creature I adore) and the perfect chase sequence. Watch it at once, I say!

Happy Film Loving,


JULIE & JULIA (2009): In The Name Of Passion And A Love Of Food

Julie & Julia (2009), Meryl Streep
Julie & Julia (2009), Meryl Streep

When you sit down to watch Julie and Julia, I highly recommend having a few of your favourite foods with you. I say this because you will find yourself with at least one or two serious cravings.

Based on the life of American Chef, Julia Child, and Writer Julie Powell, Julie and Julia focuses on two ladies with a shared passion for food, cooking and feeding the people they love.

Besides the joy of a well-executed drama about two women who quite literally come alive whilst indulging in their favourite pastime, Julie & Julia will likely inspire you to dedicate more time to pursuing your own passions.

To look at it another way, should the task of silencing doubters be a hobby of yours, or one you wouldn’t mind taking up, then look no further to see it done with such admirable aplomb.

If you’re still unsure, I have two words. Meryl Streep.

Happy Julie & Julia 🙂


THE WOLF OF WALL STREET (2013): Who Knew Greed Could Be So Entertaining?

THE WOLF OF WALL STREET (2013), Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Hill
The Wolf Of Wall Street (2013), Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Hill

Martin Scorsese’s Wolf Of Wall Street (2013) is absolutely dripping with testosterone, not that this should be surprising.

Typical of all other popular accounts of life on Wall Street, there’s plenty, and then some – of the expected excess and debauchery.

THE WOLF OF WALL STREET (2013), Leonardo DiCaprio
The Wolf Of Wall Street (2013), Leonardo DiCaprio

Based on a true story about the rise and fall of Jordan Belfort (Dicaprio’s character), the audience, particularly the ambitious will relate to the protagonist’s determination to succeed, as well as get some insight into the many ways the American dream can go very wrong indeed.

With  plenty of well written male banter (one of my favourite things), and great performances all round, you will spend a surprising amount of time laughing. Leonardo Dicaprio and his more than qualified supporting cast absolutely deliver.

The Mark Hanna character played by Matthew McConaughey is so entertaining that you’ll find yourself wanting more.

THE WOLF OF WALL STREET (2013), Matthew McConaughey
The Wolf Of Wall Street (2013), Matthew McConaughey

Jonah Hill, an Actor better known for comedy hits including Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg’s Superbad (2007) is great as Donny Azoff. Azoff’s teeth and hair may be highly questionable, but you’ll see that Hill’s performance certainly isn’t.

Girls will definitely enjoy the film but I have a strong suspicion that boys will love it more.

Happy Wolf Of Wall Street 🙂


TAKEN 3 (2015) Trailer: You’ll Be Pleasantly Surprised…

Taken 3 (2015), Liam Neeson
Taken 3 (2015), Liam Neeson

Taken (2008) was brilliant. Taken 2 (2012) was alright. Taken 3…?

You’ll be relieved to see that the story, by writers Luc Besson and Robert Mark Kamen looks quite different.

Can’t say that this is the final instalment, but I’m certainly glad to see the wonderfully voiced Liam Neeson playing seriously badass, ex-government operative, Bryan Mills once again. Bring on 2015!

Happy Tak3n 🙂


PINEAPPLE EXPRESS (2008): A Definite Seth Rogen Win

This is absolutely not a horror film, but who knew that Seth Rogen playing scared out of his mind could be so entertaining?

Coming from the same team that delivered comedy hits Superbad (2007), Knocked Up (2007) and most recently, This Is The End (2013); Pineapple Express is an action packed comedy bromance between two mid twenties, weed smoking males who are played rather well indeed by Seth Rogen and James Franco.

Pineapple express (2008), Seth Rogen, James Franco
Pineapple express (2008), Seth Rogen, James Franco

There’s plenty to enjoy in this movie, including the dialogue, well choreographed action sequences, a series of oddball characters; not to forget the undeniable beauty of James Franco’s Smile… 🙂 …something I hadn’t been aware of until this movie. Oh yes.

Last but absolutely not least, should you find yourself to be a fan of writer/ director, Judd Apatow before watching this movie, then you know you’re in good hands.

Happy Film Loving 🙂